
Country Libraries Receive Much-Needed Grants

Country Libraries Receive Much-Needed Grants

The LBW Trust (Learning for a Better World) in collaboration with Friends of Libraries Australia (FOLA), is pleased to announce that 79 country libraries throughout regional, rural and remote Australia are the recipients of much needed funding through the Trust’s Australian Country Libraries 2024 Program. 

Libraries in remote areas serve as essential community hubs where people can gather, learn and connect. 

$101,429.16 was distributed to 79 libraries (NSW 25; QLD 8; VIC 9; SA 17; WA 20) to support a diverse range of projects including: back to nature programs; storytelling through puppetry; resources and activities for neurodivergent young people; textile waste awareness workshops; digital literacy programs for seniors; and a community seed library for bush fire affected Snowy Monaro area. 

Myli – My Community Library was one of the 79 libraries to receive funding under The LBW Trust and FOLA Australian Country Libraries 2024 Program. The library received $1500 to purchase new musical instruments to use for programming and story time. “We are so grateful to receive this funding from The LBW Trust and Friends of Libraries Australia. It makes a huge difference for small, rural communities such as ours,” said Lisa Kirwin, who made the initial application. 

“Cricket holds a special place in Australia and it is wonderful to be able to combine our love of cricket with supporting country libraries” says The LBW Trust Director and National Backyard Cricket Chair Marek Ristwej. “Funding has been made possible by the generous donations of individuals who participated in our National Backyard Cricket events, plus great support from The LBW Trust supporters. We look forward to seeing the projects come to life and the difference they will make in their community.” 

FOLA President Jack Goodman says “Country libraries are at the heart of the community, providing havens where people of all ages and backgrounds can come together to share ideas, learn new skills and connect with each other. These grants are another example of the exceptional projects being run by Australia’s under-funded and under-valued country public libraries.” 



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