Are you thinking about adding a new pet to your home? Have you considered a greyhound? Greyhounds are quiet, well-mannered, and very easy to live with. They are friendly, affectionate, lazy, loving, trusting and are suited to living in many types of households.
We’re hosting two information sessions at Drouin and Warragul Libraries for you to come along to meet a lovely volunteer from the Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) and learn all about keeping greyhounds as pets. You’ll also get an overview of GAP and what they do in their process of rehoming retired greyhounds, and even meet a gorgeous greyhound or two who will be coming along for the talk!
Join us at Drouin Library on Wednesday 31st August at 3pm, or at Warragul Library on Saturday 10th September 11am. Registration is preferred for these events to avoid overwhelming the dogs that will be attending the sessions.
About GAP –
The Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) is the most well known of Greyhound Racing Victoria’s (GRV) initiatives aimed at finding loving family homes for greyhounds who have retired from the racetrack. Greyhounds that are adopted via the GAP program undergo a thorough temperament assessment to ensure that they are safe around small dogs and that they are safe to go un-muzzled in public with a novice pet owner.
Pets and Mental Health –
This event is part of the Libraries for Health and Wellbeing campaign.
Libraries for Health and Wellbeing is a statewide campaign leveraging library people, spaces and programs to create stronger and healthier Victorian communities. HealthDirect reports studies have found that pet ownership can reduce stress and loneliness, provide companionship and a sense of purpose, and increase social interaction.
The Libraries for Health and Wellbeing initiative is being rolled out in partnership with Public Libraries Victoria and State Library Victoria.