Our fathers, partners, brothers and friends are facing a health crisis, yet it’s rarely talked about. Men are dying too young and we can’t afford to stay silent.
Where it at began :
Read the story of how two mates, Travis Garone & Luke Slattery, meet up for a quiet beer in Melbourne and the idea that sparked Movember was born. The moustache had all but disappeared from fashion trends but could they bring it back? They found 30 guys willing to take up the challenge and raise money for Prostate Cancer.The History of Movember
Grow a Mo:
Patchy, lopsided, itchy or epic – whatever Mo you grow this Movember, your face will raise funds and awareness for men’s health. You can help to change and save men’s lives. The moustache is a powerful upper-lip accessory. It commands attention, demands a double-take and compels lifesaving conversations. This year it’s more important than ever.
Why get involved?
With the money you raise, the team at Movember fund groundbreaking health projects across mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. They’ve had a huge impact so far and they’re hell-bent on making it even bigger – that’s where you come in.
Sign Up and Start Growing:
Shave down on Movember 1st, then uphold the sacred rules of Movember Mo growing. Ask your friends, family, teammates and colleagues to grow with you. More moustaches mean more conversations, donations and lifesaving awareness.
Make some Noise:
Let everyone know what you’re doing and why. Share your personal fundraising page (aka your Mo Space) far and wide. Ask friends and family to donate and go hard on social media. Big or small, every donation makes a difference. Visit Movember for more information, resources and to sign up for this very important cause.
Mental Health Activities and Links for November:
We have a large range of Men’s Health Titles available to borrow with your West Gippsland Libraries membership. We also have an ever-growing collection of ebooks, audiobooks and magazines that can be downloaded and read at anytime. Sit back and enjoy a movie with our free on-demand movie streaming service, Kanopy. Here are some of the Kanopy titles that we recommend watching during November:
Visit these websites for mental health tips, resources and support:
West Gippsland Libraries are proud partners of Mental Health Australia.

Black Dog Institute
Exercise of the Month: Yoga
Yoga is often seen as gentle exercise but you can work up a serious sweat with a Bikram yoga session. Yoga not only improves flexibility, but it also relieves stress and strengthens mental clarity.
Mental Health and Well-Being Awareness Campaigns for November:
- World Kindness Day 13th Nov
- World Diabetes Day – 14th November
- Food Safety Week 14-21 Nov
- National Skin Cancer Action Week 15 – 21 November
- International Men’s Day – 19th November
- White Ribbon Day – 20th November
Yoga teacher training is not just for those who want to be yoga teachers. It’s a journey back to oneself. A journey of transformation and self-realization. It’s a journey of recovering one’s unique voice and learning how to share it. It’s a journey of self-love.