The library team in Baw Baw Shire has enjoyed returning to the community to attend special events and visit local kindergartens and community groups. Let’s take a look at what they have been up to lately.
Paint Baw Baw REaD expo.
Program Officer Lisa and Manager Library Services Michelle spent a wonderful Saturday morning at the Paint Baw Baw REaD Early Years expo, held at the West Gippsland Arts Centre. The family-friendly event had a huge range of activities including face painting, a reptile show and a special reading of ‘The Mysterious Baw Baw Egg’.
Lisa and Michelle welcomed many visitors to the Myli stall, shared information about our library services, handed out show bags and made badges. It was wonderful to be part of such a fun and vibrant event!
Rawson Village Information Day
In April, mobile driver Keith and Library Officer Hannah took the Northern Mobile to the Rawson Community Information Day. The team set the mobile up for patrons to come aboard and had a display in the conference room. Keith gave a presentation about Myli resources available to the community. They also had a ‘Guess the Eggs’ competition, and everyone had a great time figuring out how many eggs were in the jar. The lucky winner was Marie, a regular Mobile library user! A terrific day was had by all.
Keith expressed his thanks to the Baw Baw Shire for inviting Myli to be part of the event, and also thanked the Mobile Library patrons for their understanding as we did a bit of juggling with the truck stops to make it possible to attend.
Outreach visit to Karawah Inc
Library officer Jenny recently attended the Nilma North Hall to chat to Karawah Inc about Myli’s resources, events and programs. Karawah supports and enhances the local community through fundraising and health support. One of their members has knitted over a thousand beanies for the Australian Defence Force over the years!
Jenny said ‘It was a really successful outreach. They expressed amazement at all the library has to offer these days and were most interested in e-audiobooks (especially Borrowbox‘s speed change options), Ancestry and the groups that meet in the Warragul library such as the History group and Knitting group. Afterwards, we enjoyed a delicious afternoon tea’.
Early Learning Centres and Kindergarten visits
We’ve had a fantastic couple of months with outreach visits to local kindergartens and Early Learning centres.
Michelle (Drouin branch) recently visited Drouin Goodstart Early Learning Centre to spend some time in the 3-year-old and 4-year-old classes. She’ll also be visiting Oak Street Kindergarten in the coming weeks. Grade 6 classes from Drouin Primary School have visited for a library tour and borrowing lesson, and they have begun regularly attending the library during the week. We’re looking forward to a tour from the Grade 1 students soon. We’ve also had an enthusiastic group of students using our teenage room for a drama class!
Shannyn (Warragul branch) recently handed out over 85 Myli showbags to the children at Warragul Community kindergarten. She visited the 3 and 4 year old classes over 3 days, and the children loved seeing ‘StoryTime Shannyn’ at their kinder!
Shannyn also attends New Parents groups hosted by the Baw Baw Shire Maternal Health Centre. During the session she discusses resources for new parents at Myli, including our Baby Rhyme Time and StoryTime events.