
Cape Paterson

A place unseen
Where I can dream
The ocean’s blue
It makes me new

The briny sea
Panacea to me
Double rainbows soar
While the oceans roar

There’s a secret place
Where I have no face
Covid’s taken it away
When I go to play

Rain on the roof
Is living proof
That time moves on
Winter’s soon gone

The briny sea
Panacea to me
Double rainbows soar
While the oceans roar

There’s a secret place
Where I have no face
Covid’s taken it away
When I go to play

Rich with orgone too
Painted many a hue
Oh, to be lulled to sleep
By the ocean deep

There’s a secret place
Where I have no face
Covid’s taken it away
When I go to play

Name: San Muller

Special Place: Cape Paterson

Medium: Photograph


Cape Paterson

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