
New requests: at Myli

New requests: at Myli

Choose new books for your library

The Book Place is a way you can select new books that you would like to see in your library. Choose from a wide range of recent and forthcoming releases of both fiction and non-fiction titles.

Simply visit thebookplace.com.au  to get started browsing by categories or use the quick search to search for a specific title, author or ISBN.

Once you’ve found something you’d like to request, click the Request for Library button. You can add a few if there is more than one title you’re interested in.

When you’ve finished browsing, click Library Bag, select Myli – My Community Library/ West Gippsland Regional Library Corporation from the Your Library dropdown, complete the rest of the form and click Send to the Library.

Our collections team will review your request and if it’s not on our list already we’ll add it.*


You can also place requests for titles through our catalogue. Simply log in to your account and click on ‘Send a Request‘ in the top right-hand corner. 


*Every reasonable effort will be made to meet your request. In the event, there is a reason why we are not able to meet your request we contact you.

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