
Cardinia Shire Tiny Art Expo update

Cardinia Shire Tiny Art Expo update

The Cardinia Shire Youth Fest Tiny Art Expo recently concluded after an amazing display by young local artists. A range of art was submitted, from still life paintings to whittled chess pieces to cartoon art. We are so thankful and proud of all participants and we hope the community enjoyed seeing their work.

As part of the event, sponsored by the Victorian Government, there was a vote where young people were eligible to vote for their favourite painting to win a prize.

At Pakenham Library, Celyn’s untitled beautiful painting of white flowers received the most votes and a $75 voucher and a certificate. Eilah’s painting, Majestic Jellyfish, received the second-highest number of votes, and Eilah received an art book and certificate. Peaceful Seaside, by Nicola, received the third highest votes and an art book with a certificate.

At Emerald Library, the voting was close! Marika received the highest number of votes with her whittled chess pieces. 2nd place was split between Jasmine’s butterfly drawing and Mackenzie’s with a mixed media piece. 3rd place was also split between Sasha with the Eiffel Tower painting and Mischa with a painting of a seal.

All participants will receive a certificate commemorating their art being exhibited. This was such an inspiring display from our young local artists and we hope to see more of their work in the future. Thank you to everyone who submitted artwork, voted and visited the library to view the display.


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