Myli – My Community Library Ltd – has announced its formation as a not-for-profit provider of library services to succeed West Gippsland Regional Library Corporation (WGRLC).
This transformation follows the requirement of the new Victorian Local Government Act 2020 for library corporations to wind up within the next 10 years even though Victoria’s Auditor General has concluded that ‘regional library corporations and co-operative models are, overall, more efficient than standalone Council libraries’.
Building on its success as a leading library corporation, Myli has a model which far exceeds the traditional role of libraries as merely book depositories and emphasises the importance of public libraries within the community.
Myli’s bold initiatives reflect its vision of connected, inclusive and resilient communities that are supported to grow and thrive.
One is the promotion of 24 hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week libraries.
“We could have just tried extended opening hours, but if gyms can provide 24/7 access, why not public libraries?” says Leanne Williams, Myli’s Chief Executive Officer.
Myli has Victoria’s first 24/7 library and by the end of the year will have the first two.
By June next year, it will have a third which may well be the third in Victoria.
The plan is for all Myli libraries to be open 24/7.
Another Victorian first, and possibly Australian first is Books by Us, a project in which Myli enabled a group of primary schoolchildren each to write and oversee the production of their book that was then added to the library collection for everyone to borrow and enjoy.
Myli staff facilitate the program in which a published author coaches students to write their own book, understand the publication process, visit a printer and have their book printed.
This is a different and exciting way to promote literacy and a passion for knowledge in children.
The coronavirus has been a roadblock to building on this pilot. However. Myli is undertaking the project at another school and already has a waiting list of schools wanting to be involved.
Myli engages and listens to the community’s ever-changing needs by delivering relevant physical, virtual and flexible services.
Myli’s online focus includes providing video programs and blogs on topics such as mental health and employment as well as in investing in e-resources to help the community respond to its social and economic challenges.
The online reach extends Myli’s current geographical borders and the organisation’s name change reflects this new reality.
Myli’s mission is built on an innovative culture and progressive approach, that meets, and far exceeds, community and member Council expectations. Myli supports communities to:
- Connect – We are responsive and bring people together
- Belong – We are inclusive and work with you
- Learn – Our free resources allow minds to explore and create
These three mission pillars are Myli’s strategic priorities and form the basis of its goals.
The change to a not-for-profit gives the organisation more flexibility and options to grow, increase its library resources and diversify its revenue streams.
Myli’s success and ability to do much with little has depended on sound financial management and it will maintain this approach.
This change presents the opportunity for more Councils to join up and share in the benefits that Myli libraries can provide to their communities. Benefits like the 24/7 library that deliver more access to more people.
The Board of Myli recently reappointed Chief Executive Officer, Leanne Williams for a further 5-year term to lead the transition and growth.
Board Chairperson, Rick Brown said that “stability and continuity are essential during these changes. Leanne’s progressive and quality leadership are essential for Myli to grow. Her significant experience in Local Government and her being a Chartered Accountant are critical to Myli’s transformation”.
Learn more
If you would like to learn more about getting involved with Myli and what we have to offer, feel free to contact Leanne on 0407 804 636 or at
How wonderful! Congratulations to all involved in this transformational concept!