September 15, 2020
We’re partnering with Libraries Victoria to provide you with a new version of our Library app. There are some exciting new features coming soon including a contactless way to borrow books.
Make the change in 3 simple steps
Once you’re logged in, you’ll find the app doesn’t look much different to what you’re used to but lookout for the new features that will be available soon.
It’s important to make the change now
The changeover is not automatic and the existing library app will only continue to be available for a limited time.
New to the Library app?
Click through to find out more about the features of the library app.
Hi, could we please have a facility to have a ‘favourites list’ so that we can have a list of books we would like to read, without having to order it. (Especially useful when one’s account is blocked)
Hi Darren,
Thank you for reaching out to us with your feedback. We’ve sent this through to the developers for consideration.