Did you know your local library is now your study buddy?
Gale Databases:
Ditch the fake news and use our collection of reliable Gale Databases to find academic journals and correct sources on almost any topic. It includes a citation tool, too, to make it easy to generate citations for your papers.
From today to 12 years ago, view any – yes, any – print edition of The Age newspaper to see the ‘first draft of history’ and include news from the day in your work.
Encyclopaedia Britannica:
Maybe you grew up in a household where these most trustworthy encyclopaedias turned up once a month as part of a payment plan, used widely by the house’s inhabitants to inform many a school project. Well, Brtiannica has made the move online and is now like Wikipedia on steroids – and much more accurate and reliable.
Once you’ve finished your essay, print it using our remote application to one of our high-quality colour printers, and collect it from one of our branches for a very small printing fee that simply covers the cost of materials. All for free. All for Library Members. Join today and start using straight away. Visit www.wgrlc.vic.gov.au